Get The Boundaries Blueprint Life Empowerment Bundle Completely FREE

Girl, Have You Lost Your Spark?

Girl, Have You Lost Your Spark?

Stop Saying "Yes" to Endless Activities that Drain Your Energy and Start Reclaiming YOU

Normally: $167

Today: FREE

Normally: $197

Today: FREE

Unlock Your Full Potential with Emily Clement's Exclusive Boundaries Blueprint Life Empowerment Bundle

If you’re overwhelmed, exhausted, spread too thin, and you’re giving your time and energy to everyone but yourself...

I hear you!

What I believed was my superpower -- being all things to all people all the time -- was, in fact, the belief that caused me the most pain.  

I didn’t want to disappoint anyone so I responded with an enthusiastic YES to all sorts of invitations I didn’t want- at work, within my volunteer gigs, church, neighborhood, family, and circle of friends. And my resentment was growing.

Friend, just because you are good at something doesn’t mean you have to do it.


It took me decades of education, training, and observation to create a system to learn how to set healthy boundaries.

Now I get it, and I want to share it with YOU!


Discover where you stand in your personal growth journey.


Learn to look past your current reality to envision and articulate your deepest desires


Understand how your emotions directly influence the quality of your life.


Identify what matters most to you.


Embrace the ultimate freedom of living authentically and in alignment with your true self.

Inside The Training You Will:

Assess where you currently stand in your personal growth journey


Learn to look beyond your current conditions to define your dream-come-true life


Understand how your emotions directly reflect the quality of your life


Identify your core values, your decision-making compass, and nurture them

Experience the ultimate freedom of living in alignment with your authentic self


Assess where you currently stand in your personal growth journey


Learn to look beyond your current conditions to define your dream-come-true life


Understand how your emotions directly reflect the quality of your life


Identify your core values, your decision-making compass, and nurture them


Experience the ultimate freedom of living in alignment with your authentic self

Have You Met Emily?

Emily is a soul-searching joy-creator with a raw passion for helping others to shine! She earned a teaching certificate and B.A. in psychology from Wheaton College, and a M.Ed in counseling from Plymouth State, as well as certificates from the University of New Hampshire, Life Mastery Institute, and Tony Robbins. Emily is a TEDx speaker.

She has taught and traveled all over the planet, from Alaska to Istanbul, and the US Virgin Islands to the Czech Republic. As a coach, she has integrated her favorite elements from the best of her life experiences - teaching, counseling, speaking, meeting new people, building community and affecting positive change.

She was called to do this work.

As Seen In:

Have You Met Emily?

Emily is a soul-searching joy-creator with a raw passion for helping others to shine! She earned a teaching certificate and B.A. in psychology from Wheaton College, and a M.Ed in counseling from Plymouth State, as well as certificates from the University of New Hampshire, Life Mastery Institute, and Tony Robbins. Emily is a TEDx speaker.

She has taught and traveled all over the planet, from Alaska to Istanbul, and the US Virgin Islands to the Czech Republic. As a coach, she has integrated her favorite elements from the best of her life experiences - teaching, counseling, speaking, meeting new people, building community and affecting positive change.

She was called to do this work.

As Seen In:

What’s Included?

Healthy Boundaries


  • Make decisions without arguing, justifying, or defending yourself (Ever!)

  • Grow in confidence, deepen your feelings of self-love and worthiness

  • Experience true freedom with your empowered, authentic style

Reclaim Your Personal Power to Create a Life by Design

  • Shift from living a life by default - going through the motions, doing what you’ve always done -  to a life by design

  • Learn to align your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with the person you are becoming

  • Develop a clear decision-making system that’ll allow you to respond with either “Heck yeah!” or a confident “No, thank you”

How to Manifest Your

Dream Life Worksheet

  • Trade hard work, struggle, and sacrifice for ease, flow, and fun

  • Learn how to turn your thoughts to things with super simple tips

  • Leverage the power of your thinking - you do not face reality, you create it

Clients Are Talking

“It was really nice to have people who loved me, and wanted the best for me, who were like "yes you can, yes you should, what's the worst thing that can happen if you don't?"

Whatever the investment, whether it's time or money or energy or anything, finding myself that, yes, I am in fact worthy of this. And that was huge. It was huge to sit with you and talk about how worthy we are. “

-Melissa M

“I never thought I'd love working with you as much as I did and get so much out of it. The first workshop I thought, "Seriously, I'm gonna do this?" but then every week I got more excited because it made my dream seem attainable.

I never would have been able to do those steps on my own. That was a big deal. And talking to all the other people was huge because we were all trying to start something we had never done before...”

-Mary Anne B

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